Saturday, January 25, 2014

CALLING ALL FAMILY RIGHTS FACEBOOK PAGES to Create Events to Dominate Obama's Google+ Virtual Road Trip next Tuesday

Click here to learn how to participate.

Consider This:

  • Apparently, the YouTube and Google+ video questions will not be selected at random. You'll want to choose questions that will likely be chosen. 
  • It's a very good idea to limit your 60 second video to a single, very clear, and compelling question that represents a universal concern.
  • This is related to the State of the Union Address. Watch it. Tune in to on January 28th at 9:00 Eastern time.

  • YouTube and Google+ are public, and the hashtag, #AskObama2014, is searchable. The more videos created on a single topic or question, the more unignorable the question will be. Use the comments section here to suggest or collaborate on questions we can rally on.
  • Your voice is louder when joined with others. The best leaders join forces with like-minded leaders. 
  • Everything the government does wrong is our fault if we let them get away with it, and everything we let them get away with is re-lived by others.
  • Add The White House to your Google+ circles to follow.